Sampling Method

Mother's Blood Sample Collection:
A safe blood draw from the pregnant mother's arm (venipuncture) should be performed at Clinics or by a professional medical assistant (nurse/phlebotomist). All blood sample should be collected with special cell-free preservation collection tubes (from Streck, Roche, PAXgene from Qiagen/BD or Vangenes) for transportation. 

The best option for mother's blood sample collection is to ask assistance from your ObGYN or primary care doctor. If you cannot get the blood work done at your doctor's office, some franchise laboratories, such as "ARCpoint labs" or ""Any Lab Test Now", provide Kit Drawn service without referrals. The cost of blood sample collection can range from $30-$80. If you have a prescription for blood test from your doctor, you may visit Quest Diagnostics with the kit for blood drawn. Please contact us for assistance before you order the testing if you can't secure the phlebotomy service on your end. 

If you were wondering home blood drawn service, you can search for "mobile phlebotomy" or "mobile blood draw" on Google Maps and check the facilities that provide phlebotomy services in your area. The cost of a mobile phlebotomy service can range from $60-$150.

Alleged Father's Sample Types:
A buccal swab sample from the alleged father is an ideal source of DNA.
And DNA samples from alleged father(s) can also be obtained from a variety of discreet sources including but not limited to: nail clippings, hairs with follicles, beard debris (razor), blood stains, chewing gum,  toothbrush, floss picks, semen etc. There is no additional fee for discreet sample testing.

Thank you for taking the time to read. You can use Promo Code "MedPro2025" to save $50 at checkout, it may cover the cost of blood drawn service on your end.